I am Logan Duff-Meadwell

Data Analyst,GIS Expert,Geographer,Travel Enthusiast

Name: Logan Duff-Meadwell

Expertise: Data Engineering, Data Analytics, GIS, AR/VR

Email: lduffmeadwell@uwaterloo.ca

Cirriculum Vitae
About me

My name is Logan Duff-Meadwell and I'm currently a Data Analyst with SYSTRA Canada. I graduated from the Univeristy of Waterloo with a Masters in Geography. My research focused on augmented and virtual reality being used in urban planning and government processes. From there, I developed my data analytical skills by working in geomatic data science. This is where I built my foundational skills in Python, data engineering, database management, and interpreting datasets to become a data analyst.

Outside of work, I find comfort playing sports and travelling. With my wife, we have a goal of exploring every European country before tackling the rest of the world. I have a fascination with historical geography and the built environment of European cities.


Data Analytics

Power BI/DataMarts 95%
Python 70%
Data Engineering 35%
Database Management (SQL) 45%
R 55%

Geomatics and other

ArcGIS Pro/Online/Enterprise 95%
ESRI Software Suite 90%
Writing 90%
Research 95%


Some of the recent things I've done.


Canadian Association of Geographers (Ontario)

I presented my Masters research and thesis during Session #9: Municipal Policy and Planning.


Completed my Masters in Geography

My research focused on augmented and virtual reality as participatory tools in government processes. I looked closely at its viability, role, benefits, constraints, and future in urban planning.

App Challenge

2021 ECCE App Challenge

Over the course of a week, I built a web-application, video, and website named Noojimo, an app which helps indigenous people of Ontario to find their nearest health amenity.